Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

How to Remove a 1994 Toyota Camry Power Steering Pump

How to Remove a 1994 Toyota Camry Power Steering Pump

The power steering pump on a 1994 Toyota Camry provides a hydraulic assist to the steering rack, making the steering process easier. When the power steering pump fails, it will become difficult to turn the steering wheel from side to side. To fix this issue, you need to remove the power steering pump from the vehicle, and, either have it rebuilt, or replace it.

Moderately Easy


things you'll need:

  • Jack
  • Jack stands
  • Tire iron
  • 3/8-inch ratchet and socket set
  • Line wrench set
  • Drain pan
    • 1

      Lift the front of the Camry with the jack. Put jack stands beneath the chassis to support the weight of the car. Take off the front wheels with the tire iron.

    • 2

      Unbolt the plastic apron seats on the inside of the fender wells with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket. Put the drain pan underneath the power steering pump on the passenger side of the engine.

    • 3

      Remove the lines running into the power steering pump, using a line wrench, and pull off the vacuum lines. Loosen the adjustment bolts on the power steering pump with an open-end wrench, and pull the belt off the pump.

    • 4

      Unbolt the power steering pump from the engine block with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket, then remove the pump from the vehicle.

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